This Week's Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner is a weekly devotional and encouragement that is posted each week.

Check back each week for the latest posting. It is our prayer that you will be both blessed and encouraged!

Week of July 21, 2024 

Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Faith is something that is talked about a lot, but I sometimes wonder what type of faith it is that pleases God. Sadly, when a lot of Christians think about faith they often don’t think about it as a relationship, but instead as something that will allow them to try to get what they can from God. It is a faith more about gain than godliness, and a faith rooted more in this world than in God.

Every week believers gather in churches to worship God, and to ask Him to bless and prosper them. And while there isn’t anything wrong with that, the truth is that many really don’t want a deeper relationship with God. A faith that pleases God is one that first believes in God, and second seeks a deep intimacy with Him. It is a faith that desires a relationship with God above everything else. This was the faith of Enoch. Enoch enjoyed such a close fellowship with God that God couldn’t stand not being in Enoch’s presence any longer, so God took Enoch to be with Him before his life on earth ended. It was because of Enoch’s faith, his close and intimate relationship with Him that God found pleasing. So, when it says that Enoch walked with God it means that he had the closest personal relationship any person could possibly have with God. To increase the type of faith that pleases God, take time to just be with Him and His Word. Romans 10:17 tells us, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” The more you hear the Word, the more your faith will grow which will be pleasing to God.

Pastor Dave